The Facts – What you need to know about the testing process ?
· Selection: An athlete is selected for a Doping control test.
· Notification: The Chaperone or Doping Control Officer will notify you that you have been selected for a test and show you his/her ID.
You will be informed of your rights and responsibilities, asked to identify yourself and then asked to sign the top part of the doping control form to confirm that you have been notified.
· Reporting: You will then be chaperoned (observed at all times) as you make your way to the Doping Control Station (DCS) where the testing will take place. You should report to the DCS immediately unless you request a delay for an acceptable reason.
· Selecting equipment for sample collection: You should be given a choice of sample collection kits.
This is important to Make sure the kit you choose is sealed and has not been tampered with.
· Providing a sample: When you are ready, you will be asked to wash your hands with water only or wear gloves and then provide your sample.
The DCO who is the same sex as you, will observe you directly as you provide the sample.
You will be asked to remove/lift your clothing above the chest and below the knees so that the DCO has an unobstructed view.
·Splitting the sample: You must provide at least 90 ml of urine.
You can do this on several occasions (a partial sample) until you have reached the required amount. Once you have 90 ml or more, the DCO will ask you to split the sample between the A and B bottles, starting with the B bottle first. Again, you have a choice between A and B bottles and you should ensure that they have not been tampered with. You should also check that the code on the kits matches.
· Sealing the sample: Once your sample has been split between the A and B bottles, you will be asked to seal them. Always make sure that the tamper-evident bottle caps are securely closed.
· Check the concentration of the sample (specific gravity): In order for the lab to analyze your sample, it must have a certain concentration. The DCO will test your sample to make sure it is within this range. If your sample is not within this range, you may be asked to provide another sample.
· Sample verification :You will need to complete and sign the Doping Control Form to complete the process. Don’t forget to include any medication and/or supplements you have taken in the last seven days and consider whether your sample may also be used for research purposes. Be sure to take your copy of the Doping Control Form with you, which you should keep.
Finally, don’t forget that your samples will be sent to a WADA- accredited laboratory for analysis. Your A sample will be analyzed and your B sample will be stored securely. Samples can be stored for up to 10 years.
Requesting a Delay
There may be situations in which you would like to postpone immediate reporting to the Doping Control Station. Athletes have the right to request a delay for the following valid reasons. The doping control officer will decide whether to grant a deferral.
You can apply for a delay for an In-Competition test in order to:
- Attend a medal ceremony
- Attend a press conference
- Take part in other competitions
- Carry out a warm-up phase
- Receive medical treatment
- Locate a representative and/or interpreter
- Obtain photo identification
- Any other exceptional circumstances that may be justified and must be documented
For an Out-Of-Competition test, you can request a delay to:
- Locate a representative
- Complete a training session
- Receive medical treatment
- Obtain photo identification
- Any other exceptional circumstances that are justified and need to be documented
What that means for you
The general rule is: To always undergo the test. Refusing a test can result in a penalty of four-years. It is also important that you know your rights and responsibilities related to the test.
Athletes’ Rights and Responsibilities
From notification for Doping Control, athletes have the right to:
·Be accompanied by representative and/or interpreter of their choice
· Request a delay in reporting to the Doping Control Station for valid reasons (see above)
· Ask for additional information about the sample-collection process
· Request modifications.
Athletes are responsible for
· Always remain under the direct observation of the DCO/Chaperone at all times from the time of notification by the DCO/chaperone until the completion of the sample collection process.
· Produce identification such as competition accreditation or a driving license
· Comply with sample collection procedures
· Report immediately for a test, unless there are valid reasons for a delay (see above).
Testing Process for Minors
As an athlete under the age of 18, you are considered a minor. You may not be aware of this, but you can still be tested.
The testing procedure is the same as for older athletes, but changes are made to ensure the protection of minors.
It is important to remember that you can ask questions at any point during the testing process to ensure that you feel safe and comfortable with the process.

The facts – what you need to know
.When it is established that the athlete is a minor, the Chaperone will ask the athlete to locate a representative.The representative must be 18 years or older. This can be a parent, a coach, a team manager, etc.
.Once an adult representative is located, the Chaperone will proceed with the notification a complete the official verbal and written notification in the presence of the representative.
. If the athlete cannot find a representative or declines having an adult representative present during notification, you must proceed with notification and the sample collection process. (i.e., this does not invalidate the test).
.When an athlete is ready to provide a sample ,the DCO observes the athlete providing the sample and the representative observes the DCO’s behavior. Only the DCO or Chaperone is to directly observe the athlete when providing his/her sample. The athlete’s representative should not directly observe the passing of urine unless requested by the athlete.
What does that means for you?
. Any athlete can be tested at anytime and anywhere.
. As a minor, we must ensure that you are always protected throughout the testing process. To do this, as mentioned above, we have made some modifications. It is important that you familiarize yourself with these. The main difference is that whether you are tested In or Out Of Competition, you will always be notified in the presence of an adult.
. You can always ask the Doping Control Officer to explain the testing procedure to you and you can also ensure that any comments you want to make are noted on the Doping Control Form.
What you should do?
. Take the test whenever you are asked to do so, and remember that EGY-NADO or the organization testing you must arrange for an additional adult to observe parts of the process for your protection
. Keep your doping control forms safe and secure at home
Testing Process for Athletes with an Impairment
.Testing is an important part of clean sport.
. The testing process is harmonized to ensure that all athletes who are tested are tested according to the same processes and procedures and that athletes’ rights are protected.
. For athletes with physical, visual or intellectual impairments, there are some modifications to the testing process to ensure that it is accessible and suitable for all.
. We recommend that all athletes bring a representative to the doping control station.

The facts – what you need to know about the testing process
When testing athletes with an impairment, the following modifications can be applied. If you have a visual impairment:
.Notification, sample division and completion of paperwork will be done in the presence of a representative (who is not another member of DCP).
. During the provision of samples, a second observer will be present to observe the doping control officer/chaperone and his/her behavior. The athlete’s representative may be present in addition to the second observer at the athlete’s request, but neither the second observer nor the representative should directly observe the Sample provision unless the athlete requests to do so If you do not have a representative to help you, the DCO can help you if you ask. This applies to both a urine and a blood test.
If you have an intellectual impairment:
· You must have a representative with you during the entire test procedure.
If you have a physical impairment:
.You will be asked if you need help to provide your sample and you must have a representative with you to sign the paperwork if you are unable to do so.
.If you are notified for a urine test and have a catheter or drainage system, you will need to provide all equipment yourself and the DCO will observe the drainage route.
.If you have a leg bag or use self-catheterization, you will be asked to use a new and preferably sealed device. If this is not possible, you will be asked to empty your leg bag completely.
·You should take a representative with you if you know you will need help with the examination.
· We recommend that all athletes bring a representative to the doping control station.
What that means for you
.To ensure that testing remains a positive experience for all athletes, they have a number of rights and responsibilities. These are the same for all athletes, including those with an impairment.
. It is important that you familiarize yourself with these rights and responsibilities and understand how the above modifications can support you during the testing process.
What you should do
. Familiarize yourself with the testing process and your rights and responsibilities
. Understand that as an athlete with an impairment there are some modifications to the testing process and familiarize yourself with them
. Always perform the test and take a representative with you.